10 Ways to Optimize your search for voice SEO

10 Ways to Optimize your search for voice SEO

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January 9, 2020

Are you looking forward to knowing about the ways to optimize voice SEO? Don’t worry, we have done brief research on this topic, and we have gathered information. Voice SEO is a primary requirement for websites for efficient display of results for searches made by voice assistance.

You must know the fact that covers the main increasing demand for voice SEO, as nowadays people are more likely to use mobile devices for more voice web searches and for fulfilling other purposes. Voice searches are more likely to be used for voice navigation purposes.

Top 10 Voice searches for optimization of voice SEO

Search engine optimization is an inevitable part of online marketing. Voice SEO is the latest technology that has improved the quality of marketing. We have surveyed the top ten voice searches for optimization of voice SEO from different research and from different questions that we have asked people for their opening regarding the voice searches SEO:

  • Amazon launched “Echo Dot” in 2018, which was crowned as the best-selling online product for voices searches optimization in voice SEO.
  • Even more than 20% of grocery accounts for voice-based orders and voice SEO.
  • A thorough analysis of the future prediction based on voice SEO has stated that by 2022, voice-based shopping can be expected to get rise to $40 billion.
  • By 2022, the market analysis says that people will be expected to reach voice searches by 18 percent of increment as of now.
  • Even, we consider the advancement of voice searches to take a hike of $30 billion by 2024.
  • In the past 12 months, 60% of people using smartphones have tried to use voice searches for SEO optimization.
  • Yes, an obvious fact for you to know is that presently 55% of teenagers are using voice searches.
  • Even the accuracy of voice searches has been rewarded for achieving 81% of correct queries and answers by Google voice assistant.
  • A combination of 25 keywords has witnessed an increase of about 20% in voice searches.
  • How,“what,” and “best “is the top 3 keyword phrases, which have been frequently used in voice searches.

Statistical analysis for optimization of voice SEO

According to the new trend of technology, this allows people to do a lot of voice searches. Different types of analyses have been done, and data were collected regarding the combination of keywords. According to the voice search analysis, we have collected information and tabulated them sequentially for you:

Purpose of Voice Searches  Percentage of searches
Voices searches made for Google 20%
Voice Searches made for Bing 25%
Voices searches made for Baidu Quarries 10%

As artificial intelligence is developing as a “Trickster” in modern-day technology, people are getting more into this sector. You must know that voice SEO is easier and more precise for accurate searches in the Google search engine. It is almost a different method than the traditional method of typing. Even more than 20% of the questions are triggered for a combination of different keywords.

 Triggered words.  Count % of  Total Count
How 658,976 8.64 %
 Best 200,206 2.63%
the 75,025 0.98 %
top 42,277 0.55%
  who 24,930 0.33 %
good 22,807 0.30%
does 19,449 0.26 %

These are a few statistical analyses of voice searches, which is an essential factor to analyze the optimization in the field of voice Search Engine Operation (SEO).

How to adapt voice searches?

Voice searches are not at all a hard thing to adapt.

You must know that as the method of technology is changing day by day, the advancement of voice SEO will accelerate in the future, and it has comfortably crossed the threshold level of acceptance of the modern era. A smartphone with a 4-G connection is like our “daily bread.”  We would like to mention that voice searches are much more comfortable than keyboard typing.

Here are a few points that have been recorded by different researchers to conduct a voice search optimization:

  • There are a total of 33 million voice searches of “first devices” in circulation for SEO optimization.
  • In a recent analysis, we have found that voice searching optimization ranks third in Search Engine Operation.
  • After the recent launch of Artificial Intelligence by Google. CEO of Google Incorporation, Mr. Sundar Pichai, has said that one-fifth of searches in Google are done through Voice searches.
  • Not only teenagers but all people of different ages have found voice searching SEO a compatible development and easy-to-use platform.

Changes required to make for Voice Search Optimization

The advancement of recent technology is a novelty. It can be described as a “Cool tool to test out,” which means that at times it will give a fruitful response and sometimes an infertile response. But voice searches have changed a lot in the present time. 

Yes, we know at the initial stage few lags were giving infertile responses, but as the innovation took the best height ever, developers have overcome the deficiency in voice SEO. Now it is working with a hundred percent efficiency.  The changes are required to adapt the voice correctly and respond correctly to the same queries.

Products like Cortana, Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant have made this field amazing and comfortable for users. More than 420 million “voice assistants” have been sold out. This occurred mostly because of the advancement of AI technology, which acts as a well-organized backup for the users. 

So you must be wondering, how can you use voice search optimization in your daily life? Voice SEO helps you to maintain your life with great ease. 

Suppose you have a doctor’s appointment at 5 pm on a certain date, but as you have burdens of work on your head, it is hard for you to remember everything precisely. But voice search optimization is there to make you remember that you have an appointment on that exact date.

This is an example of the changes that voice SEO has gone through in the recent past.

How can Search Engine Operators be thankful for voice searching optimization?

Yes, now, that we have known the purpose and advancement of voice assistance, let us see how it can enhance the life of a Search engine operator. 

Search Engine operation is a regular exercise of enhancing the quality and quantity of website traffic by generating the best search engine results.

For a more precise explanation, voice search optimization is basically stated as structure data optimization, where the real focus on “voice search optimization” is to develop relevant content as much as possible from the Google interface for a certain and specific query as asked by any user.

So, how does structured data come into play??

Yes, it is a normal and accepted appeal that you can make. The best answer would be that structured data markups are created to build metadata for your internet browsing.

It is an inbuilt process that allows the search engine to answer your question verbally. So as the technology of voice searches is getting developed with the help of Google assistance, the quarry becomes more perfect, and the users get a more precise answer.

SEO is a process of developing your gratification online so that the search engine (Google or Bing) provides you perfect keywords that support your question and answer efficiently. This is now more advanced than before, and it will help you to get rapid and random significant answers that will allow you to get the maximum efficiency for optimizing your search for voice SEO.

Aditya Sudheer

Aditya Sudheer – Author Bio

Aditya works as a Growth Assistant at AirTract.Com, a social platform wherein people ask questions, get answers, share knowledge and experience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering and has been working in the field of Digital Marketing for the past two years. He is also a voracious reader and a big sports fan.


  1. https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/voice-SEO
  2. https://quoracreative.com/article/voice-search-statistics-trends
  3. https://neilpatel.com/blog/seo-for-voice-search/
  4. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/voice-search-optimization-changes/259975/#close
  5. https://moz.com/learn/seo/what-is-seo
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=optimization+of+voice+SEO&oq=optimization+of+voice+SEO&aqs=chrome..69i57.11207j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. https://neilpatel.com/what-is-seo/

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