5 Signs That You Have Hired a High-Quality Designer

5 Signs That You Have Hired a High-Quality Designer

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August 26, 2019

Graphic Design

Some people are better at what they do but the only way to survive in contemporary times is being the best at it. The world has become more competitive than it ever was and this is what has made becoming the best as the only thing to survive in a field. But how from a general perspective would you know if a person is a professional or an amateur? Well, being in the field of designing for years I can highlight how you can assess the designer that you have hired. These things are what will make you get the idea if the designer is of high quality or not.

  1. Creativity and Imagination

This is the world of creativity and innovation. This is the entry ticket to any of the creative fields including graphic designing. Thinking out the box is a requirement and a necessity in this world and the designers or illustrators who are not able to contemplate on it might have no choice but to see their designs getting no attention. A high-quality designer or illustrator would bring something creative, something different every time he works on a project and this is a major distinction between a professional designer and a designer who is amateur at work.

  • Knowledge of the Designing Concepts

Colors are used to make the messages to be communicated, shapes tell you psychology and everything in between represents something that makes a logo design to be conceptualized. This is how a picture can speak for itself and the brand attached to it. This is how things work out in the field of designing. A high-quality designers look at it beyond just what is visible to eyes. He brings in the ideas, psychology, and everything that is required to be communicated to the target market. A picture is worth a thousand words if it is made with concepts and this is thus an element that will make you assess the quality of the designer.

  • Eye For Detail

I once hired an affordable childrens book illustrators and he presented with a design that on looks was amazing yet it missed something that I actually wanted that was when I realized that being affordable does not mean that he is going to give you everything you want. Rates and prices do not mean anything if it is the details that are not represented in the design or illustration. A perfect designer makes everything to be presented in design in the simplest ways. The attention to detail makes a designer to put the purpose and meaning in the picture and make it relevant. Probably without relevancy, a design is just a picture and with relevancy, it becomes a representation.

  • Ability To Take Criticism

Well, there is always room for improvement and when it comes to creative field learning, unlearning and relearning becomes a part of the process. This is what takes you up and being too stubborn to not accept the changes is what makes you stand nowhere in the field. The designs might be perfect according to the designer but there might be something that would not be perfect for the target market or maybe for the layman. This is where the difference between a high-quality designer and an ordinary designer.

  • Knowledge For Tools and Software

Well, the fifth thing on the list is the knowledge of tools and software. Manual means of designing are now long gone and nobody uses the paper-pen techniques anymore. The software makes everything to be inch-perfect and everything to have that touch of excellence. If a designer you have hired has everything but not the literacy of tools and software then probably nothing in his/her end results could be comparable to other designers. This is something you as a client could use to assess but as a designer, this is something that is essential in your skillset and knowledge.

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These five things are the perfect assessing tools for getting a high-quality designer but on the other hand, these five things are the elements that each of the designers should have in their skillset to make it to the top of this field of designing.

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