- You know those annoying pop-up notifications that appear on your laptop screen once in a while, asking you to update your laptop? You frown thinking about all the time you have to spend waiting for the update to have finished and click on the “Remind me later” button without thinking twice. The same thing happens for days on end, primarily because you’re feeling a little lazy. Stop doing that! You don’t realize how much harm you’re causing to your laptop. Despite being bothersome, regularly updating your laptop is actually quite important. Companies usually ask for your laptop to be updated when they have made changes to the operating systems, drivers and software applications in order to refine the system’s regulations. They may also do this to reduce network vulnerabilities and enhance your laptop’s security. If you fail to update your laptops when asked to do so frequently, your laptop’s functions may drastically slow down. Do you care about your precious laptop? Then quit the procrastination, and click on download update!
- While an occasional jag may not completely kaput your screen, we have seen several cases of damaged LCD’s due to overzealous touching by users. Our skin oil produces lots of acids and harmful toxins which can ingrain onto our laptop screen. The newer and glossier your screen is, the more detrimental the impact is. But why does that happen? If you keep touching the screen, you leave blotchy fingerprints which can lower your screen quality. Additionally, excessive pressure displaces the liquid crystal molecules and distorts the image; this can eventually kill off pixels. If you have a touchscreen laptop, this applies to you as well! We would recommend you to use a stylus! Screens are incredibly sensitive to touch like you are to Titanic. If you bash your screen with a pen or pointer, it will lead to scratch. And we all know, a scratch on a screen is a scratch on a heart. But don’t worry Fixerman is here to replace your laptop screen.
- Don’t you love having a lazy day, relaxing, and having some downtime over the weekend? Catching up on tv shows, binge eating in bed? We can all relate to that, but placing your laptop on plush surfaces can be quite harmful. Non-flat surfaces reduce ventilation, which results in your laptop overheating. Heat to your laptop is equivalent to what Joker is to Batman; it’s an arch-nemesis. This is why we always recommend that you place your laptop on flat surfaces or make use of lap desks to keep your laptop surface cool.
- Are you lying down and watching something on your laptop? Do you never want to move again? And then, the worst happens. You see your laptop’s charge at 20 percent. You think to yourself, should I get the charger now or later? Due to the fact that you have to physically move to get it, you choose the option of later. Then you use your laptop till its charge has reduced to 5 percent, or dies. Bad choice. You may be thinking, what difference does it make? The fact is that the denial of a matter of 2 minutes of readjusting has caused your laptop’s battery to degrade. Your laptop’s battery gradually depletes from the first time you ever use it until the last. Slowly, but gradually. However, if you continue to use your laptop till it runs down to 0 percent, you increase the rate of this damage much more than necessary. This kind of damage to your battery is inevitable yes, but do you really want to speed that process up? The sooner your battery degrades, the sooner you will have to buy a new laptop or replace the existing battery. To lengthen your battery’s lifespan, we advise you to recharge it regularly. Of course, an infrequent discharge won’t kill your battery, however, in the long-term, it will prove to be harmful to your laptop. 2 minutes are just 120 seconds. Choose the option of now.
- Have you ever used a large speaker or your television set as a laptop stand? Or have you used your laptop as a table that you put your phone on top of? Don’t. It’s imperative that you discontinue this habit as these devices produce their own powerful magnetic field. These can damage your laptop’s hard drive, and may potentially alter the contents of memory they store. Do you want to lose those precious memories you cherish due to being naive? So just be cautious and treat your laptop with love!
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