5 Amazing SEO Tips To Boost Traffic For Your Small Business

5 Amazing SEO Tips To Boost Traffic For Your Small Business

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November 21, 2022

We all love to make blogs, but it will be better to make a layout before writing an article with Etsy coupon code Australia. You may market your blog on social media to increase the traffic on a blog, and to increase the viewership, you may link it with other platforms. It will be better to enhance your blog ranking by selecting keywords and following trends appropriately on sites like google. You will find this article very helpful if you read it further.

Blog Content

It may be very engaging. Use short paragraphs with as many headings as possible. You can also use bullet points to make it more readable. If you make your article research base, it will be more likely to be shared as its quality will increase. You will also love to use interesting facts and figures, and information from research papers. Using something other than synonyms & idioms in your article will be better as it may decrease its searching ability. Your blog reading time will be less as the audience like to get more information in a limited time. Your blog will look very nice if you use more multimedia content like audio, video, images, flashes, etc. It will be better to make new content for the viewers by following the trend of the top ten websites. It will be better to use references to show the authenticity of the information.

Popular blogging websites

The most popular are blogger, WordPress, type pad, moveable type, live journal, Myspace, and Xanga. Most always charge a minimum fee but may contain a free version. You can build your website with software with home-based servers, but that will be difficult to manage without training. Although bloggers show better performance in terms of high search engine optimization as it is a parent company of google. Blogger supports over a hundred users with editing tools like Google docs and Windows live editor. Word press has advanced managing panels with basic functionality and advanced features with HTML coding. Blogsmith and Typepad are similar to blooger.com but easy to use with friendly user interference. At the same time, Movable-type allows you to create blogs and manage them on a website on one platform. Finally, WordPress has the most number of articles than other blogging websites.

Keywords analysis

You may use keywords which is mostly searched. Think like an ordinary man. What is he will go to search for? Then add those keywords to your blog, but remember that those keywords match the central topic.

Google search trends help you better understand which keyword has the highest rating.

You may also look at monthly searches, which may be local and global. Moreover, you can also check out your competitor’s websites like titles, headings, and URLs.

You may also use the SERPS keyword formula to help you to find competitors’ keywords in the title, meta tags, and header. The keyword effectiveness index allows you to find effective keywords to optimize your blog.

Using URLs related to topic, keyword, and topic related will be better. Like, sharing, and subscribing to the social media account linked to your website may enhance your website searches. It will be better to use “.org”, “.com”, and “.gov”, as these will help you to enhance your search. Using more than fifty keywords in your articles will be good.

Search engine algorithm

Your search engine may depend on visitors spending time on the website. The more time they spend, the higher their ranking will be. It may also depend on the bounce rate. Visitors may visit but leave the website within a few seconds. It means the title may be misleading or information may be inaccurate. So, it will also decrease your searches. On the other hand, if a visitor repeatedly revisits your blogs, it will increase the ranking because it shows that your content is beautiful. Therefore, it may be better to update your website continually.

Avoid using these in your blog

You may add some information to the article but first, check its copyright laws. You may copy it only on the condition that it will be open source or the writer gives you a copying right. It will be better if you do not use slang words because it will decrease the rating of your blog. It will be better to use grammatical & spelling checks online to reduce mistakes, as it may cause to drop in ranking. You may avoid using violet pictures & words as it may cause extremism, which may slow your website down. You will be likely to refrain from using repeated words & controversial topics as it can because you trouble. Finally, you may make a blog error-free, as mistakes adversely affect the ranking.


You may love to make blogs and monetize them using AdSense for home based earning, but for high traffic, you may optimize it. Blogging is a passion but working on it is a profession.

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