Benefits of Smoke Testing in Software Testing

Benefits of Smoke Testing in Software Testing

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February 20, 2024

The fundamental concern in software engineering is stability and integrity. Smoke testing in software testing is the first line of defense against failure. It is a preliminary approach that ensures critical functions of software are working. So, it is a phase that ensures the software is stable enough to go for more rigorous testing.

In this blog, we will understand smoke testing in software testing. We will see its objectives, process, tools, and more. So, let’s begin.

Why is smoke testing in software testing significant?

This section will help you in knowing the objectives of smoke test software QA. It will help you look at what the process will get your company in the end. So let’s take a look:

Defect detection

One of the primary objectives it fulfills is to detect any issues early in the process. This allows the testers to go into deeper testing phases without worrying about glitches. As a result, it saves a lot of resources and money.

Review of critical functions

Smoke testing in software testing targets critical functions of the software. These are the functions that make or break the software, like the user interface. This gives confidence to testers that the software functions as required.

Assessing stability

The main goal of smoke testing is to see the stability of the software. A successful smoke test indicates that the build is stable enough for further testing. If the build fails the smoke test, it signifies that there are severe issues. Moreover, these issues need urgent attention before additional testing efforts are applied.

Optimization of testing efforts

By quickly identifying showstopper defects, smoke testing in software testing optimizes testing efforts. It ensures that we focus further testing phases, which are more time-consuming, on builds. These are the builds that have passed the initial smoke test. This way, testing can virtually come into use.

Let us understand the process taken to implement these objectives.

How is smoke testing in software testing conducted?

In this section, we will look at the process in depth of smoke testing in software testing. It will give you an idea of what to expect from QA companies in India. So let’s see:

Build installation

The first step in smoke testing in software testing is to install the newly developed software in the testing environment. This environment reflects the user’s computer setup to simulate real-world usage.

Basic functional testing

Once the installation is complete, the testing team performs a series of basic tests. These tests are done on the essential features of the software. Furthermore, these tests check if the main functions, like logging in, are working correctly.

Automated or manual testing

Smoke tests can be automated or done manually. Automated tests are pre-written scripts that automatically check specific functionalities. Manual testing involves testers going through the software step by step. So, it follows a predetermined set of tests.

Verify core features

During smoke testing, the focus is on core features, major workflows, and critical user interfaces. Testers also verify that these important parts of the software are functioning without major issues.

Quick assessment

Smoke testing is designed to be quick. The focus is not on detailed testing but on a rapid assessment. So, the goal is to find significant problems that would prevent further testing, not to uncover all possible issues.


The pass or fail result from the smoke test guides the decision-making process. If the smoke test passes, consider the software stable enough for more detailed testing. If it fails, alert the development team to fix the critical issues and create a new build for retesting.

Continuous integration

The continuous integration process often integrates smoke tests. Every time new code is added, automated smoke tests run automatically. So, if the smoke tests pass, it indicates that the new code has not broken essential functions.

To make the process effective, some really good tools must be used, isn’t it? But what are these tools? Let’s find out.

What tools are used for smoke testing in software testing?

Smoke testing is a quick but crucial step in software testing. Here are some simple tools used to make the process of smoke testing easier:

JUnit (Java)

JUnit is a tool for testing Java programs. Imagine it as a set of detailed instructions for a robot. Testers write these instructions to check if different parts of the Java software are working properly. JUnit then follows these instructions precisely, like a robot carrying out tasks accurately. As a result, it makes sure everything is in order.

PyTest (Python)

PyTest is designed for testing Python programs. Furthermore, it investigates the Python software. As a result, it ensures all the pieces are where they should be. 

Selenium (Web applications)

Selenium is a tool for testing web applications. Testers record their actions, and Selenium reproduces these actions on a website. It clicks buttons, fills forms, and checks links. As a result, it makes sure the website responds correctly. 

Postman (API testing)

Postman is a tool for testing APIs. It allows different software parts to communicate. Testers send messages through Postman to APIs and check the responses. It also ensures the messages are delivered accurately, and the responses are correct. Postman acts as a dependable messenger. It confirms that the right information is transmitted between software components.

Even after using the best tools and sequenced processes, you can face some challenges. We will cover these challenges ahead to make sure you dodge them. 

How challenging is smoke testing in software testing?

This section will cover some major challenges that can prove to be an obstacle in the process. So, let’s dive in:

Overlooking important features

One challenge with smoke testing is the risk of missing crucial features. Since it focuses on basic functions, there’s a chance of overlooking smaller yet significant elements. These elements can become big issues later.

Limited depth

Smoke testing only scratches the surface. It doesn’t go deep into detailed testing. So, it might not catch intricate problems that could exist within the software.

False confidence

If the smoke test passes, there might be a false sense of security. The software could have hidden issues that aren’t apparent in these initial tests. As a result, it leads to overconfidence in its stability.

Time constraints

Smoke testing aims to be quick. So, testers might not have enough time to cover all essential aspects thoroughly. As a result, this time limitation could mean overlooking potential problems.

Environment dependency

Sometimes, the software might work well in one environment but fail in another. Moreover, smoke testing might miss such environment-specific issues.

Lack of automation

Performing smoke tests manually every time a new build is released can be time-consuming and prone to human error if they aren’t automated.

To sum up

Smoke testing in software testing is an essential foundation you need to build before testing software. It ensures that there are no critical issues in the software. Moreover, it saves a lot of time for testers. Through our blog, you can have a fair understanding of how the process works, what challenges you can face, and more. So use our guide to implement it correctly!

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