Best Niche Recommended for Newbie in Blogging

Best Niche Recommended for Newbie in Blogging

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April 19, 2019

Are you inspired to start your very own blog? Let me guess, you are not sure what niche to choose. We are all advised to choose a niche which we are passionate about the most. For a newbie, it is not that easy. Remember the first time we used TeamViewer online? As excited as we were to use it, it wasn’t easy. Same goes for blogging. You don’t just want to start a blog but earn from it, too. Unless you have enough audience, you can’t earn from it.

Without further ado, let’s explore the niches a newbie can pick for their first blog:

Health and Fitness

If you are a trainer or a fitness junkie, what can be better than starting a health and fitness blog? What’s amazing is that the health niche has sub-niches and micro-niches. This means you don’t have to touch the topic of health generally, rather dig a little deeper. It could relate to hair health, diabetes, eyes, fitness, a healthy diet or anything that you can possibly think of related to health.

However, you need to have enough knowledge about that niche. The information you share needs to be genuine. Otherwise, it could cause problems in the life of your readers.

Finance, Money Management, and Savings

Managing money is hard but you know what’s harder? Saving and investing it wisely. This is one a profitable niche for beginners. You can share tips and strategies to track expenses and save money.  Along with doing research and sharing an expert opinion on it, you can also add your own experience. This makes the content more exciting for readers.

You will be surprised to see how many people are suffering from the financial mismanagement problem. Providing them a solution will not just benefit them but you too. Want to know how? They will come back to your blog to read again.

Other than this, people are also looking for suggestions for investing money. If you have some experience in this area, why not help them out? There are a lot of people who have money they don’t know what to do with it. Target that audience and help them out.


Are you a parent? Then start your own parenting blog. Parenting is universal. We have moms and dads everywhere. Share your experience related to your newborn and children. Or maybe you can share some pregnancy tips. As long as you are giving valuable advice, your audience will grow.


A lifestyle blog usually targets one specific type of demographic. This demographic could be anyone – moms, pet lovers, or college kids. It is like a multi-topic blog. Some people think it’s not a profitable niche because you are not speaking to one particular audience. In any case, it is a fun niche as you have the liberty to share anything.

Fashion and Beauty

It’s among the trending niches. There is a holy grail of successful fashion blogs out there. If you are able to run an engaging blog, you might be invited to cool events and get to review beauty products.

The problem is, running this niche is not an easy feast. You can’t just rely on great content. You have to continuously put yourself out there. If you just examine how the beauty bloggers run their blogs, you will realize they focus on YouTube and Instagram. As these are virtual platforms, they help a lot in building your fan following. Some fashion blogs eventually become lifestyle blogs as they cover different categories that are beyond fashion. That’s because beauty is a part of lifestyle now.

Home Decor

Are you savvy about decoration? Start a home décor blog then! Pinterest is filled with DIY projects. You can take inspiration from those projects, improve your home décor, take pictures and write about it. This is an eye candy niche of many ladies. You can also talk about the best furniture places. If you are crafty, then create your own DIY ideas and share them with your audience.

Product Reviews

You can also start a blog that reviews products. To make things easier, take the products from one niche only. Product review sites are not really a niche but you can still give them a try. Start with Amazon niche site. It is a recommended option for new bloggers.

Making your niche site successful is hard because there is a lot of competition out there. However, with proper research, you can get started and succeed.

Final Step

Now comes the tricky part i.e. choosing the niche that you want to move forward with. If all these options have overwhelmed you, these tips will help you narrow them down:

  • Is there an overlap between your list of passions and the list of things you are good at? If your answer is yes, then pick from those options for your blog.
  • Write those niches down on a piece of paper and create potential sub-topics. Then see which of these sub-topics you are most interested in.
  • Check out blogs that are currently writing about the niches you have picked. Go for the one niche that you identify with the most.

Summing Up

You never know this blog could turn out to be something big. If you are a bit tech-savvy, you can even start writing about TeamViewer Asset management. People are dying to know how to use this feature to track their assets.

After you’ve chosen your niche for blogging it is important to move on the next step and that is SEO optimization for your content. Read this research by the staff of Linkio to get a clear picture on how to optimize your content to get more organic traffic and better rankings.

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