Complete Guide on How To Start Your Own Food Delivery Business?

Complete Guide on How To Start Your Own Food Delivery Business?

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April 10, 2020

Starting your own business is always accompanied by risks and threats. It is impossible to avoid all of them, but you can prevent and try to minimize losses. In the restaurant business it is difficult to remain confident in the success of the enterprise, since in addition to the strategy, many external factors influence success here. Today, the organization of a food delivery business is gradually coming to the fore.

Food delivery service

This is a promising and progressive direction in which everyone can find their client and achieve success using a food delivery application. Everything will depend on how correctly you choose the form of development of the food delivery business in any continent by determining the target audience and thinking over strategic business planning.


Such a startup is more accessible for opening than a stationary institution. Opening such a business is less troublesome and safer. Franchising is very developed in this area. The acquisition of a franchise will allow you to learn the gastronomic market is safe for yourself and your finances.

The franchise food delivery business most often relates to Chinese cuisine, pizzerias, and woks. The trend for the delivery of a finished diet for a day is also gaining popularity. But while it still remains weakly in demand.

According to experts, the 2019 food delivery market will replenish the number of companies working in this industry. At the same time, statistics on the opening of a new business like food and beverage delivery solution in this direction will be low due to the low consumer demand and the risk of “burn out”. Low demand is due to the fact that delivery itself is expensive. This greatly reduces the range of discovery geolocations. Only large cities and administrative centers will be relevant.

There are several forms of food delivery business: round-the-clock, by type of cuisine, type of service, method of preparation, etc. Depending on the food Delivery Route Planning System, your target audience will also differ. Therefore, the choice should be approached responsibly.

This is what the main types of food delivery business in Europe and Asia look like:

  • As an intermediary company engaged exclusively in delivery. Profit in this case is achieved due to the difference in price.
  • Self-cooking at home or in rented rooms. The main audience here is offices and government agencies.
  • Cooking and delivery only by reservation in limited quantities. Most often these are simple dishes, side dishes, salads, pastries.
  • Preparation of semi-finished products in the form of dumplings, dumplings, meatballs, etc. The food delivery market in 2018 showed a certain increase in demand for such offers.
  • Catering service. Includes service of large and large-scale events, weddings, anniversaries, banquets. In this case, you have to cook delicious and sometimes rare dishes, snacks.

Having decided on the form, it will be necessary to proceed to planning, and then to the implementation of opening your own business. This process has a more simplified form compared to opening a local place, but it will also require some effort from you.


As in any other type of business, here you will need to think over the business plan of the enterprise for the delivery of food, engage in the search and formation of a client base, as well as formalize your activities in accordance with legal standards.

In the latter case, the package of documents may depend on whether you have another restaurant or network of establishments. Legislation for the home-delivery business is mandatory. Otherwise, you may encounter serious problems.

There is a special list that governs what documents are needed for food delivery and determines the future algorithm of actions:

  • registration in the tax with the choice of taxation forms and the collection of documents;
  • payment of fees and application;
  • for cashless payments, a bank account must be opened;
  • obtaining permits of the sanitary-epidemiological enterprise. It is important to take into account the requirements of the SES for food delivery, working conditions of employees, etc.
  • obtaining permission from fire safety services.

Also remember to register a cash register and purchase a print. This is the full package of documents for those who consider the delivery of meals as a business and intend to rent or buy premises for the implementation of their project. In the case of the acquisition of a franchise, the process of collecting documents will be simpler. In most cases, your franchisor will help you with this.


The food delivery market in Europe and Asia is constantly growing in volume. Naturally, each direction has its own characteristics of development and growth trends of enterprises. However, the general rules of business organization and the order of work remain unchanged for all types:

  • Party purchase of products and their storage in freezers and special equipment. There is a certain risk here, as products can deteriorate quickly. Actual in the presence of an accumulated customer base.
  • Purchase of products directly to order. It is advisable in view of reducing the risk of spoilage of products. However, there is a likelihood of not finding the right products on time and in the right amount.

Cooking at home for sale will require you to make certain investments and purchase specialized equipment. The need to purchase additional professional equipment will depend on the specifics of the direction of your delivery, capital, etc. Be sure to include these costs in your future business plan. Route planning and real time delivery tracking system for food delivery to the office, for example, will require minimal equipment, but for catering you will need more powerful equipment and even additional rented premises.

Do not forget that, according to experts, the food delivery market in 2019 will pay special attention to the external design of food, the presence of branded napkins, appliances, as well as other thematic “bonuses” from the supplier. And this is an additional cost in last mile food delivery challenges.

The business plan also includes the costs of developing a menu, marketing strategy and advertising. The presence of your own website or official page in social networks with professional management is also included in the column of planned expenses.


We have already considered with you how to organize food delivery, but have not yet listed the main advantages and disadvantages of this business area. The factor that remains pleasant is that there are many more advantages here.

Food Delivery Business Benefits

In any field of business there are difficulties. All of them are surmountable, especially if you understand how many advantages its successful implementation will give you:

  • low initial investment;
  • the opportunity to implement a startup at home;
  • high level of profitability with a large coverage of the target audience;
  • the possibility of expanding the business to a stationary profile;

Do not forget that in any city there are people who need food delivery to their home or office. The task of your food delivery business in Europe or Asia is to find your niche and soon begin to make a profit.

Author – Bio

Noman Shaikh

Noman Shaikh is a Digital Marketing Head at Fixlastmilewhich is known for developing a top-notch last mile delivery System. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with leaned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.Complete Guide on How To Start Your Own Food Delivery Business?

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