What is a ‘Good’ Internet Speed for Gamers?

What is a ‘Good’ Internet Speed for Gamers?

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November 22, 2017

The modern multiplayer gaming experience depends squarely on the speed of the Internet service that makes the venture possible, so the ‘What is a Good Internet Speed’ query is an important one.

In the gaming world, there exists no resource more important to the success of any gaming venture (be it enacted within the comfort of one’s home, or in elaborate competitive arenas) than a decent Internet connection. And not just any Internet connection, but one which provides consistent bandwidth rates, fast downloading & uploading speeds, and low ping rates – with these three being the most common metrics on which the merit of a particular subscription service is normally gauged for gaming purposes.

Good Internet Speeds (In a Nutshell)

Although expert gamers might already be familiar with the answer to the query of ‘What is a High Speed Internet Providers’ for gaming purposes, this information is still very useful for novices and beginners who are relatively new to the whole virtually endeavor. In a nutshell, and without getting into any of the technicalities associated with this process, even a 5 Mbps connection with a low ping-rate (in the 10 to 50 ms range – following the ‘lower, the better’ rule of thumb), and a consistent 2 to 3 Mbps in uploading speeds is sufficient for playing most games (on a majority of branded consoles) over the Internet.

Even though popular gaming platforms like the PS4, the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch feature their own unique gameplay dynamics, many gaming experts recommend using personal computers for engaging in competitive online multiplayer skirmishes – mostly on account of the better ping rates observed through their employment.

If You Really Want to Get into the Technical Side of it

We realize that most online gamers are not beginners, and so they don’t like to contend with generalized bouts of data intended for a more amateurish audience. For this purpose, we have decided to dispense with some targeted informational content which can help all gamers in making more astute and fruitful subscription decisions. Instead of postulating vague assessments, we’ll try to familiarize you with the facts and figures that characterize the Internet services that are recommended for gaming, so that you know exactly what type of connection to bargain for in your upcoming engagement with an ISP sales representative.

So read on (below)…

The Optimal Bandwidth Rates for Gaming

Bandwidth rates are a measure of the net downloading and uploading speeds experienced when someone is engaged in transferring data over a particular Internet connection linkage. These are different from the figures used in ISP advertisements and sales pitches, and give an accurate measure of the speed dynamics that are actually being offered to you (and which you are likely to attain on a daily basis).

One of the best (and simplest) ways to take note of these figures is to conduct an online speed test – by using either a free bandwidth measurement tool, or any popular torrent client. Both of these utilities provide instant insights into the downloading and uploading speeds that you may be dealing with at any given moment.

Although the bandwidth rates alluded to above do happen to meet the minimum transfer-thresholds of most games, they may prove to be insufficient in catering to the heavy graphics requirements of some popular game titles like The Witcher 3, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and BioShock Infinite (among others). For dealing with these productions, game developers recommend minimum uploading & downloading speeds in the 10Mbps/5Mbps to 25Mbps/10Mbps ranges – with the use of symmetrical bandwidth connections (offered by a few fiber optics vendors in the country) understood to be ideal for all such pursuits.

On Recommended Ping Rates

Ping rate is a measure of the time that it takes for information (data) to be transferred from one system – in a connected network – to another, and back again.

When we talk about gaming, this particular standard is thought by most ISP industry analysts to be the single most important metric responsible for the successful execution of any gaming session. Even with fast Internet speeds, a high ping rate (above the 200 ms mark) can result in perpetuating significant laggings in the gameplay experience. The vice versa case, of a low-bandwidth connection with low ping rates, also holds true – and may feature more on the recommendations list of gaming experts.

For the most ideal gameplay experience, almost all Internet and gaming authorities are unanimous in extolling the many virtues of a ping rate below the 30 to 20 ms range (which you should be aiming for too if you’re serious about this whole thing!).

The Wired Vs. Wireless Connection Question

When discussing connection types, wired Internet linkages consistently prove to be more superior to their wireless counterparts in delivering fast Internet speeds (for gaming purposes). Wireless connections suffer from the intrinsic problem of fluctuating bandwidth rates due to a number of impeding factors – including turbulent weather conditions and inhospitable terrains.

Wired connections, in contrast, provide more stable speed dynamics and ping rates – and may be counted upon to broadcast even signals in off weather conditions.

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