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Google introduced dynamic email in Gmail


Starting today, we’re making emails more useful and interactive in Gmail. Your emails can stay up to date so you’re always seeing the freshest information, like the latest comment threads and recommended jobs. With dynamic email, you can easily take action directly from within the message itself, like RSVP to an event, fill out a questionnaire, browse a catalog or respond to a comment.

dynamic email in Gmail

Take commenting in Google Docs, for example. Instead of receiving individual email notifications when someone mentions you in a comment, now, you’ll see an up-to-date thread in Gmail where you can easily reply or resolve the comment, right from within the message.

Dynamic emails will begin rolling out to Gmail users on the web today. Mobile support is coming soon. 

dynamic email in Gmail

Like the rest of Gmail, dynamic email is safeguarded by best-in-class privacy and security protections. To ensure added security, those who want to send dynamic email have to be reviewed by Gmail first before they can get started.  


Read AlsoHow to Delete Sent messages on WhatsApp

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Google Introduced Dynamic Email In Gmail | Gadget Rumours

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