How to Produce Music as an Audio Nomad

How to Produce Music as an Audio Nomad

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September 19, 2020

Music producers around the world will know what it feels like to tire or even hate doing their passion for a living. Initially, setting up your own home music studio will feel exceptional and for a good few years, you will make tons of great songs.

Once that honeymoon period is over, however, for many work can become a chore rather than enjoyable. A lack of inspiration and being stuck between four walls all day gets to all of us, eventually.

Well, have you ever thought of becoming a digital nomad? Traveling the world alongside working in your profession? Many have tried it and have stated that they wished they did it sooner.

You Do Not Even Need Much Kit

You might wonder how you are going to work without carrying your home studio around with you. However, you really need not carry a tremendous amount. Just get yourself some good headphones, a portable audio interface, a portable audio recorder, a medium-sized and carryable MIDI controller, and a good laptop.

As standard, you will get by adequately with that lot. You can add other equipment you require as necessary. Just remember to keep the weight down as much as possible, charges for additional luggage can be expensive when traveling.

3 Top Tips for an Audio Nomad

Now that you have your gear, you are ready to see the world. While it is exciting, you are definitely going to want to take heed of our top 3 tips when travelling the world as an audio nomad.

  • Learn to Manage Your Time

Because you are travelling and trying to earn an income, your time has to be managed carefully. You will want to decide on the split between working and enjoying the country you’re visiting. Are you going to be working late hours in the day so you can enjoy the sunshine or the other way around so you can have a bit of a nightlife?

A good way to organize is to write a schedule of ‘only’ 6 things that you plan to do the next day. Then schedule how and when you will do them. Stick to it, do not do more or less.

  • Spend Your Money Wisely

Traveling is not cheap, and with a freelancing lifestyle, there are no guaranteed paychecks. Sure, you can have a great month earning tons of money, but the next you might not get much work from your clients. For those reasons, unless you have money to burn, you really want to be careful with your cash.

There will be plenty of things you can do on a budget and you do not have to go to a restaurant every evening. You could visit free sights or go to the beach for things to do. You could also live more like a local and cook your food or eat street foods. This also extends to how you get around, as you could just use public transport instead of renting a car or grabbing a taxi everywhere.

  • Use Your Traveling for Inspiration

As a traveling music producer, you are always looking for fresh ideas. You will all know what it feels like when these ideas stop flowing. This is where traveling can help. You get to experience new cultures, new places, and new people. Dig into that and it will surprise you at what inspiration you can get. Many nomad music producers have come up with some amazing stuff that just sounds superb after some audio mastering.

You might alos like to read about the Benefits You Gain From Travelling

The Pros and Cons of Being an Audio Nomad

For many, traveling while making music sounds like the perfect life, yet it really is not for everyone. There are pros and cons to this lifestyle which some will take to better than others.

You are leaving your family and friends behind; you are going to have less time to work and you might spend a lot of time travelling around. On the flip side, you meet new people, find inspiration and get to see a lot of great things.

Depending on how successful you are, you may also find it hard to handle the expenses. In cases like that, we suggest that you travel to countries with a low cost of living. Thailand and other countries in SouthEast Asia are a splendid example.


The next time you submit music when you are not satisfied with it and feel like the job is getting to you. Why not consider the above? It does not have to be a permanent change either, it could be a break for a year or two to refocus your energies. You can always come back to your home studio with a new take on life and a fresh approach in the future.

For some of you though, this lifestyle will be something you will find difficult to let go of.

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