How to Tackle Rapid Expansion with Attendance Management Software?

How to Tackle Rapid Expansion with Attendance Management Software?

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August 13, 2019

Attendance Management Software

If you have faced difficulties in handling employee attendance processing, it probably a very common problem faced by businesses across the Indian subcontinent. This is mainly due to the manual recording and processing of the data with tonnes of data entry work.

The increasing number of employees will only contribute to complicating the process further. In order to concentrate on the utilization of the workforce and reduce the administration costs in the processing of the employee presence data, the use of a dedicated Attendance Management Software is much sought by the enterprises. Since the advent of office automation, the use of the methods resembling elementary schools needs to be removed from the industries. This is because the students pay for schooling while the employees are paid on the basis of the time they spend on the company premises while doing the work allocated to them.

This article provides an insight into the use of the Attendance Management Software in the expanding phases of the company. Dive in deeper to get an overview of the subject:

Use Advanced Solutions to Record Staff Movement Transactions:

The organizations can now move on from the age-old practice of using the physical musters and registers for the purpose of marking the employee presence on the company premises. They can now install the biometric machines in their facilities and NFCs to mark the movement of the human resources on the premises. The exact time of the punch is recorded by the system, and it is synchronized to the central database as per the configurations made by the system administrator. All the employees of the company regardless of their departments shall use the same system, and there is no need for human supervision throughout the process of capturing the information. They have to mark their movement every time they leave the office, such as the lunch breaks and personal breaks also. This comprehensive data is compiled by the system which provides the company with an opportunity to work on the attendance pattern of the entire staff. 

Improved Computation and Analysis:

When the assessment is made manually using the Spreadsheet tools, the quality of work is not as per the desired standards while it consumes a lot more time than the automation-based solutions. The multitude of the information gathered as a result of increased staff numbers can be quickly processed with the help of the AMS as it compiles it seamlessly and with the help of the computational capabilities, the data is processed extensively without overlooking any piece of information. The comprehensive analysis also includes the reports of employee wise, department wise, and location wise information. Because of the transfer of the administrative workload from the HR on the computers, the HR can concentrate more on the core functions. The analysis can be used to see which department is irregular, and the corrective measures can be taken. The financial burden caused due to the irregularities often goes unnoticed. The software solutions, therefore, improve the accuracy and reliability of the process while allowing employers to onboard any number of staff they wish.

Policy Building and Enforcement: 

Once the analysis is done, the management can use the reports for the purpose of refining the existing policies by finding the loopholes. The absenteeism costs a lot more than what it seems on the surface. The project deadlines suffer a lot, and the companies try to contain it by engaging additional labor. In both scenarios, the companies suffer from immediate and long term landscapes. But the AMS enables the complete implementation of the attendance policies throughout the company. As the software allows for configuration at multiple levels, the entire attendance policy is built from scratch by defining each component, and the administrator can run customized policies for each location and department separately. This a blue ribbon benefit for the companies and the primary incentive of using advanced tools. 

Almost all the companies face turbulence in the handling of increasing staff members. The proper analysis cannot be made of the presence, and weak enforcement will lead to absenteeism. On the contrary, the online attendance management system will provide an infrastructure for timekeeping and analysis of the productive hours. The statutory compliance filings are also automatically generated by the AMS, and thus, the companies can benefit at multiple levels with the use of these software solutions.

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