Instagram Captions

How to Write Captions for Instagram Pictures


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So, how do you write the best Instagram captions for your post so that you can get the most likes and comments? Well, in this article, I will discuss different ways that you can improve your Instagram captions. Then at the end of the article, I’ll give you my top tips on how you can increase the quality of your Instagram captions. This should help you increase your likes and increase the overall quality of your Instagram profile.

Instagram Captions

We all know writing good Instagram captions is really tough to think about. You don’t know if you should get personal. Make it funny or just put a bunch of random emojis and call it a day. Having bad Instagram captions can ruin that photo or video that you worked so hard to create.

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But having a great caption can enhance your post, tell a story and overall increase the engagement which is the goal. This simple touch can help take your Instagram to another level and turn it from good to great. It is to increase your Instagram reach. As we all know that every Instagram user should be striving for quick natural engagement. When you get natural engagement quickly after you post, this signals the Instagram algorithm that it shows more users and you land on the explore page which is the absolute best thing that can happen for your post.

Good sassy Instagram captions provide context as your unique personality motivates users to take action on something. It doesn’t really matter how short or how long your caption is. As long as it provides value and is engaging.

1. Provide Value on Your Instagram Captions or Post

This comes in so many different ways. For example, you can teach them something, you can motivate them, you can inspire them, you can make them last, etc. But the whole point is to affect your followers in a positive way. Unless you’re already famous you have to provide value with each and every post.

If you post a picture of yourself and caption says shopping, people aren’t really going to give up and are just going to scroll right past your post. But if you post an exact same picture and talk about where you can find deals in the local shopping area or how shopping can relieve your stress.

Then it is providing value to more than just you and people will appreciate your post. Remember to not only think about yourself when you’re typing your Instagram captions. Type out what you’re going to say then put yourself in your follower’s shoes and read it.

Because as a follower, if I see your post and it just says shopping it really doesn’t affect me at all. But if you post that picture and talk about what I can find local deals in the area then I am more interested in the post and I will naturally like it and comment on the post.

Good Instagram Captions are usually consistent with the picture or video that they post. It usually explains and goes further into the depth of what the picture or video consists of or how the photographer you felt like while taking that video or picture. The more sincere you get with your Instagram captions the more likes and comments that you will receive.

A pro tip is to make the first sentence the most important and the most dramatic. This will draw attention to your caption and naturally cause people to be interested in what you have to say and this will force users to click show more and read the rest of your caption and naturally like and comment.

2. Keep your Instagram Captions Engaging and Relatable

This ties in with what I was saying earlier about not being selfish on Instagram. If you don’t care about what others think or if you don’t care about others in general, I don’t see a point of why you’re on Instagram? Just print out that picture that you were going to post and put that it on your refrigerator you’ll probably get the same amount likes anyway.

So, focus less on yourself if you are trying to build a name or an audience and remember this doesn’t apply to people who already have a heavy following. Some helpful things that increased my likes and comments and engagement were to talk as a group instead of me personally.

A pro tip is to make it even more engaging by asking a question at the very end of your caption. Please make sure the question is consistent and relates to the post and /or the caption. Most likely a few people will answer your question which increases engagement, which increases the chances of other users seeing your post.

3. Make Your Instagram Captions Clean and Organized

Make sure your spelling and grammar is on point and make sure your spacing is also looking clean. There are so many simple things that you can do to clean up your Instagram captions and one major one is to add line breaks.

You can easily do this by writing your caption on the note’s app on your iPhone and click return exactly where you want there to be a line. Break the main things to keep in mind is to make sure there is no space before you click return or it will not work at all.

Another way you can organize your caption is to put the hashtags in the comment section. Make sure you also do this on the note’s app on your iPhone so you can add line breaks of that as well. This will help your hashtags be unseen your followers and increase the overall quality of your post.

Another way you can make it look aesthetic and pleasing to other followers is to add emojis. Your caption is not a school paper, it doesn’t have to be very professional and your own unique personality to it and add your own spice to it. Your followers will appreciate it because there is a reason that they are following you. If they didn’t find your personality that interesting, they wouldn’t be following you. So, don’t be scared to be yourself on your own caption and remember to not only think about yourself.


So, now you know what to think about and what to take into consideration when you are writing your Instagram captions. Make sure it provides value, make sure it’s engaging, relatable to your followers and make sure it’s clean and organized.

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