Let Your Mobile apps be More Human by Including IoT and Bots

Let Your Mobile apps be More Human by Including IoT and Bots

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June 3, 2019

“It is the thesis of this book that society can only be understood through a study of the messages and the communication facilities which belong to it; and that in the future development of these messages and communication facilities, messages between man and machines, between machines and man, and between machine and machine, are destined to play an ever-increasing part.”

-By Norbert Wiener

Smartphones and mobile applications are the elite discovery of the developers to humankind. The invention of mobile phones was the initialization of digitalization. The Best mobile app development company began from the calculator, phone book, calendar, messaging apps and went diverted towards various other advanced technologies like gaming, pixel camera, and many other applications. The time is rolling faster and people are looking for better technologies.

The question is – how can we render the best version of mobile apps services to the users? An additional query which might hit you is – what should be integrated into these mobile app technologies that it becomes more interactive?

The solution is here!

Let us think beyond the mobile app languages and without restricting ourselves let us embrace applications with IoT and bots.

What is IoT?

Let Your Mobile apps be More Human by Including IoT and Bots


IoT is the abbreviated form of the Internet of Things. As the name suggests, it is an extension of the integrated version of the Internet-connected to mobile devices or daily objects. Basically, these devices have an IP address that communicates with each other via mobile devices using a brilliant UI.

The agenda of IoT is to bring evolution in the world of technology. IoT has made impossible things possible. Now humans and machines can easily interact with each other. Basically, the electronic devices control the other devices, this way of communication is called Machine to machine communication.

IoT involves automation devices like household materials which reform our house into smart homes, security cameras, lights, TV, AC …so  on.

The notion of IoT is to monitor exterior or interior functions of house, office, roadways, trains, etc.

IoT is highly used technology in the healthcare industry to provide emergency assistance to the patients via virtual nurses and doctors.

How Civilizing the Mobile Apps Using IoT can Bring Powerful Future?

A major transformation has been observed after the launch of IoT. We cannot deny the fact that mobile phones and their applications are need of humans but when tested it is found that adding IoT has turn apps more interactive. Also, it has been witnessed that adding IoT to objects has given life to new technologies, with the ability to collect, analyze and distribute data.

Now let us read how IoT has more humanized mobile applications.

  • Widen the Options of Security
Let Your Mobile apps be More Human by Including IoT and Bots


IoT has increased the security setups at different levels. We know nowadays information is gathered in the cloud and there are high chances of data getting hacked. So the implementation of IoT with mobile devices can enhance the security level. The data encryption has been increased by such IoT devices. It provides a protective layer to mobile devices and which is used by developers in designing mobile apps.

  • Enterprise Applications touching the sky

After the launch of IoT, enterprise applications are coming out with flying colors as businesses are earning more profit than before. With the progress of IoT devices, it has become easy for enterprises to look after the conditions and functions of their equipment. This means developers have growing options for development.

  • Innovations in Hardware

At the time of the IoT revolution, there is a huge demand for innovative hardware. Smartphones also require requisite hardware to complete the process of running software. Good hardware has excellent durability which can become a plus point for smartphones in the future.

  • Infrastructural Change

Most applications are gradually integrating into cloud services. There is a huge requirement of scaling the network of IoT channels. Mobile applications have automatically optimized with cloud and database to improvise the infrastructure. It means the infrastructure is boosting up every day and developers are getting paid in dollars.

  • Served Luxury to Life

IoT has brought great changes in human life. It has provided a smart and relaxed life us. In fact, the developers have also got plenty of options for themselves to customize their applications.

Technology is such a blessing to the world, isn’t it?

Let us dig about the bots and the alteration it did to the mobile applications.

What are Bots?

Bots are said to be the virtual computer assistant. Everyone has multiple opinions for bots. Some say it is going to destroy the human culture, and a few believe bots will make the future bright. It is concluded by the developers that bots are going to replace the mobile apps very soon. The forthcoming generation will soon be able to experience the bots at every place.

The first bot which was introduced in 1996 was Eliza by Joseph Weizenbaum.

Recently you can experience bots on Facebook, Twitter, or Skype. Bots have the ability to follow the command automatically in the flip of eyes. You can easily book tickets, transfer money, order food, call, etc.

Nowadays, bot work on the voice commands too.

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How Civilizing the Mobile Apps Using Bot can Bring Powerful Future?

There are various types of bots spreading in the mobile app development industry. You can count on these types of bots: Optimizer, One-trick pony, Proactive, Social, Shield, Chatty, and Super Bot.

What will happen if we apply bots in our mobile applications? Read below.

  • Easy Installation

There is no necessity of installation of bots in your mobile devices. You just need to click on the chat options and then the bot is ready to work automatically.

  • Convenient Distribution

Just like you install or download an app on your mobile device, you can easily share your bot with different contacts. Bots are also allowed to link in social media accounts.

  • Ubiquitous Messaging applications

Everyone uses more than mobile application especially messaging app every single second. The messaging apps have covered the markets and so are the bots.

  • Extremely user-friendly

The bots integrated into mobile apps extremely convenient, portable and user-friendly. Installed live applications are the AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google assistant, smartwatches, etc.

  • Tech Booster of Future Generation

Experts claiming that Bots are next-gen biggest technology which can replace every small thing in the world. Soon it will capture the market.

IoT & Bots: A Big Thanks from Future Generation!

Let Your Mobile apps be More Human by Including IoT and Bots


Technology can do wonders and now IoT and Bots have proven it!

Mobile app development company are looking forward to adopting these robust technologies. Tech-experts have predicted that milestones of IoT are going to break the market by 1.7 million users till 2020. Shortly the bots will take over each and every technology and it will present a different dimension of the world to the humans.

Author Bio:

Harshal Shah is the CEO of MyAppGurus – Mobile app development company. He is an avid learner of breakthrough mobile technologies. In fact, it was due to his passion towards mobile technology that led to the inception of this company. He believes in building innovative mobile applications using different types of platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows.

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