Nowadays gaming has become popular and it has also become the source of earning money. In many countries, people are organize gaming competitions and set a certain amount for the winners. Most of the people also make gaming their professions and spend more time in front of their PCs or consoles. There is a bundle of problems faced by gamers.
PC Hardware Is Too Expensive
Almost all the higher-end products are manufactured outside the country and imported from the other foreign countries, this includes all the famous companies like Dell, Asus, HP, etc.
High taxes are applied to things like Graphic cards, custom coolers, and quad, Hexa and octal processors as these items are seen as luxury expenditures so heavy duties are applied to them by the government.
Must Read Also How to Build a Video Wall for Gaming
Power Cuts
Well in most of the Asian countries there is the issue of a power cut or the issue of low voltage. This is another reason that most gamers are seen in metropolitan cities, not in small towns and villages.
Many of the Asian gamers are fed up with this problem.
Unstable and Expensive ISP
Most countries ISPs are in pathetic conditions with an almost negligible amount of money expand on their maintenance. It is one of the mental torment a gamer faces.
Many countries in Asia are very backward in technologies when it comes to internet facilitation and distribution. Fiber optics are recently introduced in markets which provide the good speed of the internet but it is also heavy on gamers wallet. However with the good speed, you can reduce lags while gaming, But it for guaranteed lag-free gaming you have to use vpn that is perfect for online gaming.
Although 4G services are available some times there is a fluctuation in its speed and it needs more time to connect to PCs and consoles.
Your favorite franchise Ruined
The gamer has had a franchise that gives new meaning to their favorite hobby. Some game series lives spanning years it is quite difficult to maintain their standard that fan has expected and they are bound to be flops. Unfortunately, these flops ended up ruining our perception of that franchise.
Broken consoles and Scratched Games
Nothing break gamers heart than their games physically being broken or game disc scratched. Replacing a game can be expensive. If the console is broken so replacing a system may worth you thousands of rupees.
Time management
Speaking of time as we have enough money to spend on games. Time is always a big issue for a gamer because they still want to get on their jobs and teens want to go to schools. setting aside enough time to play your game can feel more like scheduling an appointment rather than just having fun. This is troublesome to all gamers.
These are the problems every gamer faces. Always remember that excessive use of anything could occur in any dangerous incident. Gaming is for entertainment by which you can fresh your mind doesn’t make it your habit because of it your health, and study would be affected. And it is a waste of money.
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