Minecraft Beta for Xbox One/Windows 10/Android

Features No Longer Behind the Experimental Toggle
Axolotl & Glow Squid
- Axolotls are now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experiment
- Axolotls can be rehydrated with Splash Water Bottle and Lingering Water Bottle
- Axolotls now have their missing sounds (MCPE-123304)
- Axolotls now swim way more often (MCPE-123263)
- Updated the axolotl and glow squid spawn rules. They can now spawn in any biome and up to y=63 instead of y=30
- Cobblestone and Cobbled Deepslate are now used to repair stone items on an Anvil (MCPE-123670)
Powder Snow
- Powder Snow is now available in the Creative inventory
- Using a Bucket of Powder Snow on a Cauldron filled with Powder Snow results in a Powder Snow block being placed above the Cauldron
- Cauldrons fill up in snowy weather, creating a renewable source of Powder Snow (MCPE-105412)
- Most mobs cannot walk on Powder Snow, but fall into the block instead
- Mobs inside a block of Powder Snow start to freeze and eventually take damage
- Players can protect themselves from Powder Snow by equipping leather armor
- Buckets can be used to scoop up and place Powder Snow
- Fall damage is now correctly prevented when a player or mob falls on a single powder snow block
Glow Lichen
- Glow Lichen is now visibly as close to the surface it is placed on as Java Edition (MCPE-122665)
- Glow Lichen now has a map color that more closely resembles the color of the block (MCPE-126316)
- Colors applied to text on signs are no longer barely visible (MCPE-117516)
- Amethysts, Amethyst Shards, Amethyst Cluster Variants, Amethyst Buds, Budding Amethysts, Tuff Blocks, Calcite, and Smooth Basalt are now available in the Creative inventory
- Spyglass is now available in the Creative inventory
- Deepslate is now available in the Creative inventory
Lush Caves
- Azalea Leaves and Flowered Azalea Leaves have correct color on maps
- Small dripleaf can now be placed on moss
- Lush Cave blocks are now available in the Creative inventory
- Dripstone is now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Pointed dripstone is now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Water drips from stalactites
Glow Squid
- Glow Squid is now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Glow Item Frames are now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Glow Ink is now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Maps now glow in Glow Item Frames (MCPE-117503)
- Goats no longer drop Mutton when killed
- Goats are now available outside the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle
- Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slabs can now be merged into full Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper blocks
- Copper is now available in the Creative inventory
- Lightning Rod is now available in the Creative inventory
Moss block
- Using Bone Meal on a sapling planted on a Moss block now correctly grows a tree (MCPE-125689)
Pointed Dripstone
- Pointed Dripstone now correctly gets destroyed after the block it was placed on are broken by block updates
Raw Ore
- Fortune enchantment now cause more raw iron/gold/copper ore to be dropped
- Raw copper, iron and gold ore are now available outside the experimental toggle
- The “Caves and Cliffs” toggle is now correctly localized
General Tweaks and Bug Fixes
- Players can once again host multiplayer games and send invites over mobile/cellular data (MCPE-55405)
- Chemistry items icons no longer disappear after suspend/resume in Education Edition worlds
- Fixed issue with underwater fog being the same for all Biomes and view distance not increasing over time (MCPE-124282, MCPE-124266)
- Underwater view distance is increased in Rivers and land biomes to be more like Minecraft Java when “Caves and Cliffs” experiment toggle is enabled.
- Boats now break when they collide with a Cactus from the side (MCPE-106044)
- Changed the position of the bow to match previous versions (MCPE-116741)
- Crossbows in players’ and mobs’ hands are now rendered correctly in all perspective modes (MCPE-116737)
- Fixed animation issue causing an off-hand held shield to appear to re-equip whenever the player changes their main-hand item (MCPE-116773)
- Cauldrons that have been emptied after containing potion are now correctly filled with water when it rains
- Fixed issue where Fireworks of all colors could be crafted from any other color of Firework Charges (MCPE-90715)
- Blazes and Enderman once again receive damage from splash water bottles (MCPE-97483)
- Fixed a bug where mobs would not spawn below y=0 when the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle is enabled (MCPE-122056)
User Interface
- Updated the appearance of the loading screen
- Android should once again see invite notifications and achievement toasts! (MCPE-54902)
- Fixed an issue with certain blocks which could cause them to grow too quickly when ticked
- Mobs and entities once again make a sound when entering water
- The ‘/setworldspawn’ command is now prohibited in legacy worlds and affected worlds will reset their altered spawn positions to the original position (MCPE-27797)
Technical Updates
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Added a MoLang query to get default bone pivots (MCPE-116741)
- Updated MoLang query to return normalized item use time remaining based on given parameters (MCPE-116737)
This article original was published on minecraft.net
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