Search And Research with email lookup tools

Search And Research with email lookup tools

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August 26, 2020


The era of high digital technologies, the abundance of information, and extremely aggressive management force us to use a variety of advanced methods for obtaining both personal and corporate data, for further use of this data in various areas. There are a lot of different reasons to search for such things. The applicant is looking for information about a candidate for a high position, the company is looking for partners for possible further cooperation, and even your purely human interest in people around: relatives, neighbors, friends. With a minimum of information about the object, you can use such keys to search at the databases and find everything you need about it. Of course, this type of service will be most wanted in various areas of sales.

Let’s look at the opportunities that open up when using broad-profile databases accumulated in various services: corporate contact information, email addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information that is usually used by managers and marketers.

Better opportunities for better sales

A good marketer understands that there are never too many technologies to centralize and analyze the necessary information. The image of a potential partner or client should be disclosed as widely as possible to optimize leads and further increase sales. Modern retargeting adjustments are so high, that they are expected to reach the target audience by more than 80%. If the profile used was entered into the database by the owner independently, you can get a global user profile down to the smallest details, and the conversion rate will be colossal.

Where’s Wally?

It goes without saying, that a potential user of such a service has questions about where this information comes from and is it legal. People or companies who want to use this kind of system, of course, need explanations on this issue.

For example, the email lookup service ( helps users and vendors search for various information and business profiles that they need. The task of the service is to find relevant profiles using social services and networks. This is a registered search platform and all data it receives is public, with the exception of some data posted by the company’s partners with their permission.

It will not only help you to find the email addresses, but will also provide the other useful data, such as position, location, company details and industry.

email lookup tools

So where do such profiles come from? It is no secret that in the modern digital community, we independently serve as a source of databases. Some of them are systematized and sold to advertising networks, with your permission, discreetly but nevertheless legally. Public people and people with increased Internet activity leave a clear digital footprint that can be analyzed and used using special platforms like the one described above

This is how we do it.

If you would like to work with such a service, but are not sure whether it is worth it, let’s take a look at a separate example of the possibility of using this kind of platform. Imagine that you are a Manager of a small company engaged in the sale of sports equipment, and are looking for new markets for production or sales. However, you are not interested in ordering any ready-made advertising solutions, because you are sure that you are better versed in the issue than third-party marketers. Third-party solutions can give a weak profit and not even recoup the investment, and the most unpleasant thing is that you will have to order them again and again. In qualitative systems of email searching, based on the already packaged targeting information, you can import the database yourself for further retargeting. Having access to a list of many managers of target companies engaged in the manufacture, purchase, or sale of sports equipment, you can confidently do various types of contact or contactless actions to increase the turnover of your business.

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As you have already understood, high-quality services of this kind greatly facilitate the info systematization of managers of large and small companies. They can also be recommended to anyone who is interested in creating their own high-level lead generators based on ready-made solutions of targeting and retargeting. This kind of service will help you achieve a high conversion rate with tiny costs, and given the low price of the service for such opportunities, it will pay for itself instantly.

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