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augmented reality

4 Construction Technology Innovations Enhancing Productivity

Pavlos PapadopoulosSep 6, 20215 min read

Construction is one of the most critical industries globally, and innovation has been a critical factor in its success. Construction technology innovations have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few decades, with many new technologies making construction easier…

Commercial Exteriors

Commercial Exteriors and their Design: A New High Touch Impact

Freelancer AuthorOct 17, 20195 min read

The architectural design of business and residential interiors is present to address the needs of the client. There is also extra focus placed on exterior structures and their features. The idea is to use both mediums of creation and create…

Police Use 3D Printing to Unlock Victim’s Phone

Police Use 3D Printing to Unlock Victim’s Phone

Pavlos PapadopoulosJun 1, 20173 min read

Michigan police have merged 3D printing with forensic science. Police in that state found a murder victim’s phone which held much of the evidence surrounding the murder. There was only one problem – the victim’s phone was set up to unlock…

3D Printer | Gadget Rumours