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All About: Automation

Key Points in Choosing the Best Test Automation Company

Key Points in Choosing the Best Test Automation Company

Think Future TechnologiesDec 13, 20237 min read

The Micro Focus Global Quality Report highlights a significant upcoming trend: the paramount importance of enhancing the skills and service levels of Test Automation Outsourcing specialists. It is rational to place emphasis on refining testing algorithms and acquiring proficiency in…

Automation in Conversational Marketing

Chatbots and the Human Touch: Balancing Automation in Conversational Marketing

Pavlos PapadopoulosNov 28, 20234 min read

Conversational marketing, which blends AI-driven chatbots and human agents, is reshaping business-customer engagements. Chatbots optimise operations and ensure real-time customer response, while human agents address complex and sensitive issues. Techniques for humanising chatbots are being developed, with examples from leading…


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) trends in the financial services

Freelancer AuthorMay 31, 20228 min read

RPA seems to be a type of automated technology that enables a customer to program a computer robot to collect and reproduce people’s behaviors in current processes including payments, data processing, database storing or upgrading, initiating replies, and interacting with…

ModBerry M500 is the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Based Automation Controller

ModBerry M500 is the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Based Automation Controller

Pavlos PapadopoulosJun 16, 20181 min read

Techbase announced the availability of a new version of its ModBerry M500 industrial control computer, which advances from the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B to the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ SBC. The updated ModBerry M500 offers a more…

Software Apps

Scripting Boot Camp Added to First-ever CMD-D|Masters of Automation Conf

Pavlos PapadopoulosMay 27, 20171 min read

Sal Soghoian today announced an exciting Scripting Boot Camp taught by the legendary gentleman, Ray Robertson, the day before CMD-D|Masters of Automation Conference. Designed for those new to automation, CMD-D Scripting Boot Camp features a full day of hands-on instruction…

Automation | Gadget Rumours