Why Custom Websites are Far Better than WordPress

Why Custom Websites are Far Better than WordPress

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December 4, 2021

Everyone understands that two basic things for creating a website would be a good, intricate design coupled with highly functional website coding. These two components overlap each other in the development of an interactive and visually

Let us begin by understanding what the two terms mean. A custom website targets your choice of audience. It has to be created professionally for it to increase the internet marketing of your business and sales. Its design should depend on your business objectives and your online goals.

Custom Website design uses the combination of images and web content to deliver the right identity and purpose of the company. With custom website design, a company can place its products and services strategically to attract customers and expand the business. If you want your business to stand out in critical competition, opting for custom website design would be the most effective and right decision.

Custom website design has high importance. It should not be underestimated and taken for granted. Creating a custom website design is not an easy task. It requires proper preparation and implementation. A skilled professional who has acquired abundant training and proficiency in this field is the appropriate person. He is the one who can give your website the desired professional look, and custom web design that sells!

Why Custom Websites are Far Better than WordPress

The main qualification for a WordPress template developer is an understanding of the content management system and technologies used to build it such as PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. The template developed must be compatible with one or more of the existing versions as well as the available plugins and widgets.

Customized website design is the ultimate solution for the online presence to stay for your business. This design enables you to concentrate on your business objectives and create a website based on a professional internet strategy. This provides you with an original and unique look of your e-commerce site and also assists you in designing vital tools with features.

On the other hand, WordPress is a popular platform for small business owners and bloggers. It is confined to the navigation, structure, and widget application laid out on the template. It can help you create a memorable site, maybe even the best in your market. The best thing about this is that it is entirely free, with no hidden charges, taxes, or fees whatsoever. Availability is not a problem because free WordPress themes are all over the internet so there are many to choose from. Since they are open source, it has fewer features so it is easier to install and use. Another good thing is, it does not require any programming skills.


The disadvantage is that free themes are all over the internet, therefore, making it common to many. You might have the same with several sites. Another thing is, the developer does not have the responsibility to give you an update or upgrade in your chosen theme so there is a lack of support from them unless they have some time to spare for you.

There are also some instances where free themes contain viruses or bugs that may cause a lot of damage to your site so you need to be extra cautious with your choices. Some of them also have poor code practices. It is made by developers who wanted to practice their skills or because they wanted to build up their portfolios and or links.

You need to invest money in the theme and it is not 100% sure that it will support you for life. We never know if the developer or its company will be around for updates and support. You need to consider choosing a premium theme because some of it may be far from your expectations. Remember you cannot change your theme easily because it will cost you more.

This leaves you at crossroads for if you want to configure it, you may want to rethink it. Subsequently, it offers more features thus making it more complicated to modify especially the structure of the theme. Every exceptional theme comes with a price. It, therefore, will be advised to check your budget before purchasing.

Disadvantages of using WordPress

Unsecured CMS platform

It is mostly targeted by hackers and spammers. This is because WordPress is the most widely used CMS platform worldwide. As a result, your site is more vulnerable to security hacks and malicious activities, and damages. You can strengthen the security of your site by making use of the most reliable security plugins.

Incomplete and inconsistent documentation

For  WordPress users, you may have come across the WordPress codes feature pages that contained a notice inviting people to document the function. To solve this issue, you need to spend extra time examining the source code to know whether these features exist or not.

Confusion between “Discussion” and “Comments” options

This is a common problem. Many site owners get confused between these two options. So let us set you straight. Discussion allows you to control whether comments are active for that particular content or not. On the other hand, the “Comments” option will be noticeable from the screen that shows multiple posts and pages of your site, but it won’t exist in the individual post’s “Screen options”.

Includes complex technical code

You may need to write a lot of complicated technical code while creating custom post types, taxonomies, etc. While other CMS platforms have a user-friendly graphical interface to create the Key tasks, WordPress requires more technical skills to do the same.

No Support

In most cases, WordPress does not provide technical support to its end users. It crowdsources its support through the robust WP community only. You can find various support forums that are left unsolved or unanswered that make things more complicated than they need to be.

Unawareness of the term “slug”

Most WordPress site owners do not even know the term “slug”. It is a part of the permalink after the domain name that helps you improve the ranking of your site on search engines. But most novice users are puzzled over enabling this feature.

User-generated Content

WordPress treats its registered users as site owners or editors. The login and profile pages by default are designed as admin pages. However, this is a complicated affair to enable users to create any type of content other than a comment from a non-admin page. Frankly, creating a highly community-based website such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube on the WordPress platform is a daunting task.

Automatic Upgrades

Automatic grading is another challenge. Therefore, will be best for you to disable the ability to update themes and plugins, otherwise, you will constantly encounter challenges related to the automatic upgrades. This is because you may never know how your website reacts to a plugin update or how well the update has been programmed so it’s best to update your themes and plugins manually.

Bloated code

Bloated code is also a serious issue. The WYSIWYG editor generates bad HTML, and most of the themes and plugins are bloated. To overcome this situation, you need to install the HTML/CSS/JS minifiers. But make sure that you don’t get the wrong ones; otherwise, they will destroy your CPU by altering every request.

Incompatible with web app development tools

One of the biggest disadvantages of using WordPress is that it is incompatible with Angular.js and other web app development tools.

Free themes

Many free themes come with various tempting offers that contain hidden codes, links, etc. Instead of buying any third-party theme, you should purchase a WordPress theme for your website to avoid such issues.

Expensive paid themes and plugins

Usually, premium themes and plugins are too expensive to buy. It becomes very difficult for small business site owners to buy paid themes and plugins. Regular updates make it even more difficult to manage a site efficiently.

Customization can be a double-edged sword

WordPress is a highly-customizable platform that allows site owners to tweak the overall look and feel of a site in a matter of a few seconds. But sometimes it becomes difficult especially for beginners to properly customize their site as they don’t have in-depth technical knowledge.

SEO issues

As we know WordPress is an SEO-friendly platform that automatically optimizes your site and boosts its ranking on various search engine platforms. But in reality, almost every open-source content management is SEO-friendly. WordPress can easily create SEO problems if you don’t have in-depth knowledge about SEO techniques. The major issue is the tagging and category system utilized by WordPress, which can create duplicates and also create a confusing sitemap with pages that have thin content on them.

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Scalability issues with the data model

You may find scalability issues in the data model for post and user meta. There are workarounds for this particular task. It becomes even more difficult when it comes to eCommerce plugins that use custom post types.

The complicated multisite configuration process

The WordPress multisite configuration process requires deep technical knowledge. It requires in-depth programming and coding skills that configure you’re multisite quickly and efficiently.

MYSQL as a database

WordPress can only utilize MySQL as a database backend that allows hackers to easily hack your site. Until the release of the 3.9 WordPress version, it was making use of the older MySQL driver, but now it uses MySQLi which is more reliable and secure.

PHP Problems

Most web developers discontinue working on WordPress as it is written in PHP, and if they want to modify the functionality of a site, they will have to learn PHP coding, which, as you may find, is a language many coders are not extremely fond of. Then why should you prefer the custom website to WordPress? For most businesses, the price is one of the most determining factors. This will determine the type of web development to invest in by business owners. The cost of developing a custom-coded website has a wide range. This goes from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands.

Although WordPress has an average lower cost than custom websites, businesses often opt for custom developers as compared to WordPress. The gain WordPress offer in terms of price often indicates that it lacks capabilities and flexibility.

Pros of Customs website.

For custom developed websites, functions are only limited by the developer’s imagination and skill. It is true that most businesses do not simply need a website, but need a website with custom applications. This is because it is capable of managing, analyzing, and displaying data and or content. For large-scale businesses, a template website will never offer the functionality necessary to run the kind of custom-built applications that will help their websites- and businesses- run most effectively. Website templates are only as flexible as the simple widgets, which come with them.

Custom websites can offer more value at the same cost as template designs.

While custom-developed websites may, overall, average higher costs than template website design, not all custom websites cost more than template websites. Many WordPress designers who work for pre-purchased web templates charge just as much as, if not more than the competitively priced freelance web developers.

The fact is that, website developers whether custom programmers or template designers range quite differ completely on how they price their services. If you factor price so much on your website it is important to shop around to see which developer offers the best price and quality. Do not be surprised to find a custom web developer offering to offer just as much, if not more, as their template designing counterparts, or even lower.


Custom designs offer one major benefit, which is flexibility. It provides exact solutions for your particular needs and assists you in making an eye-catching and user-friendly website for your business. Business owners who want to make their online brand stronger must make their customers and clients comfortable while browsing their business sites. This is possible only through a custom site design that uses easy-to-follow page navigation, an engaging, user-friendly design, a search engine-friendly data structure, and an appropriately optimized page layout.

Technology is consistently moving forward. As it happens, it is difficult for the average computer user to keep up with the constant changes in technology. Many companies are willing to help you create a productive website.

Use your custom website design to make your product and service information clear and targeted to your audience. This is important so your customers know what they are getting. Having a highly visible site helps gain a customer base more efficiently and with less frustration for you. If you are interested in making your business grow, your best bet is an organized, customer-friendly site created by a team of professionals.

Custom Web Design as a Marketing Tool

Custom web design allows customization and opinions to be expressed. No matter how business-oriented your site is, make sure that your visitors feel the sincerity and credibility of your site in helping them with their needs. Make them feel that you are giving solutions to their problems. By so doing, your website will be the best marketing tool ever created. Promoting your custom web design through internet marketing improves its effectiveness. It makes your site more visible on search engines. A high search engine ranking enables your small business to reach its ultimate goal by accessing new customers and markets. Small business Internet marketing and SEO services aim at making your businesses more competitive. This optimizes your website for the most popular and relevant key phrases/keywords that target your business. High search engine ranking draws many visitors that in turn can be converted into leads and sales.

Custom Web Design

Custom Web Design is the Key to Entrepreneurs’ Success

One of the most important things you need for you to be a successful entrepreneur is custom web design. You might want to seek help from those experts in the field. By taking their advice, you are sure to hit the profit in your business by offering a few dollars to these web-hosting companies. Without their assistance, you cannot drive traffic to your site or draw visitors. Undoubtedly, behind every successful business, you will find a reputed web design company.

Design Responsive Website

Unique design

If you want a theme that has a unique feel and does not look too much like the available premium and free templates, a custom template is a great option. Custom design templates give you more control over how the WordPress site will look after it is complete. It also allows you to focus on specific functionalities you would want on your website but are not well handled by free or premium themes.

If you want to launch a WordPress site and have financial resources, getting a custom template developed for the site is a good decision. A custom web design is only created for your business. It will, therefore, be different from all the websites that can adapt to the needs of your company theme. It offers better control and gives you total ownership over the template.

Although custom websites may have many advantages, they still possess some disadvantages which are;

They are Expensive

One of the main disadvantages of settling for a custom-coded website is that it requires a huge initial investment. Before beginning the design and development of the website, a lot of planning and research is needed to ensure that the final design of the website meets the specific needs of your business. A custom-coded website will require you to hire several experts, which might include a web designer, a web developer, a programmer, SEO experts, and so on. All these make the cost of building the website to be very high.

It is Time Consuming

Building a custom website requires you to undertake a lot of planning and research before you embark on developing it. During this period, there must be an understanding between all the stakeholders who are involved in the design and development of your website. In custom coding, you have to start building from scratch, as compared to themed websites, where you only have to make several changes to be up and running. A lot of time is thus required to custom code a website, which might affect the operation of your business if you are in a hurry to create an online presence.

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It is Tiring to Create and Maintain

In addition to being time-consuming, custom-coded websites are very tiring to develop and maintain. From the research and planning stage to the development stage, a lot of programming and designing is required. A custom-coded website can take a huge toll on you. A lot of time and effort is thus required to build one. It sometimes becomes impossible to see the development through if you do not have the expertise required. With custom-coded websites making updates yourself can be difficult and expensive. You may be required to hire back the developer to make any changes.

It is very easy to run into delays

Several tests must be done on a custom website before it is launched. This is done to ensure that the site does not develop problems in the future. The presence of any problem may lead to a further delay in the launching of the website. This is especially when the web developer comes across any problems that need to be fixed. This is a problem that can be avoided with themed websites, which use templates that have been tested to ensure that there are no bugs.

Your business might not require it

While a custom-coded website is built with the sole purpose of meeting your specific business requirements, your business needs might not be large enough to warrant creating one. There are several website templates available on the market, such as premium website templates, which come with enough features that can sufficiently meet the need of most small businesses. Besides, you can always start with a themed website and then upgrade to a custom-coded one as your business expands.

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